Florists Essex
  • Sandalwood Essential Oil
    Essential Oils List
    Sandalwood Essential Oil
    The botanical name of sandalwood is santalum album. Sandalwood essential oil is produced by a process called steam distillation. When created it is kind of clear looking with a hit of yellow and a wood-like fragrant scent. Sandalwood essential oil is used in treatments for respiratory conditions such as bronchitis and asthma. In addition it is used to reduce stress levels, symptoms of depression, dry and chapped skin, tender skin, and to promote healing and skin recovery. Sandalwood essential oil can be used both internally and externally. However, if you plan to use this oil internally, you should consult an expert before you do so. It is important that you take precautions, even though sandalwood essential oil is a natural product. Even natural products can cause adverse effects if used improperly. If you want a more thorough education on the essential oil of sandalwood it is recommended that you do some research. The World Wide Web is a good place to start your hunt for information. If you want, more
  • Essential Oils: Seven Things You Should Know
    Essential Oils
    Essential Oils: Seven Things You Should Know
    Essential oils are extracted from living plants and trees. When essential oils are used appropriately, most can be used at home safely, enjoyably, and with beneficial effects. Keep the following seven things in mind if you want to try aromatherapy at home. Most essential oils should never be applied directly without diluting them. Only lavender and tea tree oil are exceptions to this rule. Essential oils are flammable, so use extreme caution around flames and heat sources. If you use a burner to diffuse the oil, put water in the burner first. The essential oil will enter the air as the water evaporates. Essential oils are for external use only. On very rare occasions, a qualified aromatherapist may prescribe essential oils by mouth. Some essential oils can be very toxic if swallowed. Even essential oils that have a therapeutic effect when diluted in certain oral treatments like mouthwash should not be swallowed. Keep all essential oils out of the reach of children. If you want to use essential oils more
  • Jasmine Essential Oil
    Essential Oils List
    Jasmine Essential Oil
    A sturdy evergreen shrub of bright green leaves with white star shaped flowers, Jasmine with sweet and floral aroma, native of Asia and Africa is one of the oldest and widely used scented flower. Jasmine flower blooms only at night hence they hand picked at night time only. Being the most delicate and extremely fragile, jasmine essential oil is steam distilled from its flowers. Huge quantities of jasmine petals are required to prepare one ounce of essential oil, hence is rare, extremely valuable and highly sought after oil. Jasmine is preferred for its powerful characteristics that assist the body as an anti depressant, an aphrodisiac and confidence boosting qualities. The Chinese drink jasmine tea daily and use it to cleanse the air in sick rooms while Egyptians use it to relieve nervous disorders, insomnia and headaches. Jasmine known to have aphrodisiac powers was used in different cultures in various ceremonies. The sensuously rich and exotic aroma of jasmine based massage oil can certainly be relied upon to evoke a more
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