Florists Essex
  • Top 5 Popular Aromatherapy Scents
    Top 5 Popular Aromatherapy Scents
    It seems that there is an appropriate aromatherapy scent for your every need. No matter if what you need is to alter your mood, achieve a sense of well-being or relieve minor health conditions, there is a corresponding scent to do the job well. The following are 5 of the most popular scents. Chamomile The flowers of the chamomile plant look like tiny daisies but smell like apples instead. Grown for many years now because of its various healing properties, chamomile is best known for its calming effects, thus helping one to achieve a very restful sleep. It is also effective for relieving the symptoms of PMS, menopause and hyperactivity among kids. The oil from chamomile flowers can help ease muscle aches and tensions, headaches and joint pains. Drinking tea made from the petals helps stimulate appetite and calm upset stomach. Unlike other essential oils, chamomile is mild enough to help ease your baby’s colic, thus helping him or her achieve sleep. Eucalyptus With about 300 varieties, eucalyptus has more
  • Dos and Don’ts of Aromatherapy
    Dos and Don’ts of Aromatherapy
    There are certain things you should know about aromatherapy and the benefits are just the tip of the iceberg. You have to know the dos and don’ts to be able to enjoy using it. First, it is best to read up on aromatherapy. You have to remember that there are over 90 essential oils and some of these should only be handled by an aromatherapy practitioner. When you buy essential oils, make sure you only buy these from reputable suppliers. These should be stored properly and away from sunlight otherwise you will ruin the oils inside. Since these are also flammable, keep these away from fire hazards. You should keep in mind that essential oils are highly concentrated which means that these can be harmful if not handled properly. This is why it has to be diluted first with a base oil before it is used. If ever you experience an allergic reaction, you should stop using it. If you are using an essential oil for the first time, more
  • How to Make Aromatherapy at Home
    How to Make Aromatherapy at Home
    Aromatherapy is the process of enjoying certain scents, which are commonly used in scented candles and bath salts. Many do not realize this, but certain scents have calming effects and enable the individual to feel more relaxed and free of stress. Creating your own bath salts is a terrific way to enjoy aromatherapy at home. Surprisingly, bath salts are very affordable to make and require no harsh ingredients. In fact, the main ingredients in bath salts include baking soda, table salt and epsom salt. Each of these are commonly found in a local grocery or retail store and are safe to use. Certain bath products, which are found in the world of retail, may contain harsh ingredients that could irritate the skin. The advantage to creating your own bath salts to use as aromatherapy, however, will ensure that you know which ingredients are going into a product and the peace of mind in knowing that they are safe to use. Individuals can make their own aromatherapy bath salts by more
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