Florists Essex
  • Dos and Don’ts of Aromatherapy
    Dos and Don’ts of Aromatherapy
    There are certain things you should know about aromatherapy and the benefits are just the tip of the iceberg. You have to know the dos and don’ts to be able to enjoy using it. First, it is best to read up on aromatherapy. You have to remember that there are over 90 essential oils and some of these should only be handled by an aromatherapy practitioner. When you buy essential oils, make sure you only buy these from reputable suppliers. These should be stored properly and away from sunlight otherwise you will ruin the oils inside. Since these are also flammable, keep these away from fire hazards. You should keep in mind that essential oils are highly concentrated which means that these can be harmful if not handled properly. This is why it has to be diluted first with a base oil before it is used. If ever you experience an allergic reaction, you should stop using it. If you are using an essential oil for the first time, more
  • What is Aromatherapy?
    What is Aromatherapy?
    If you always wondered what aromatherapy means, all you need to do is look at the name again. It is the treatment of the body and the mind by the use of scents and essential oils derived from plants. And to be specific these plants are known as being aromatic, hence the first part of the name. The second part is self explanatory. Aromatherapy is very effective in making you feel good mentally and physically by the way it affects your senses. What you see, touch, and feel affects you in your daily life either in a positive, negative or even a neutral way. Aromatherapy slots in as a positive influence as it treats your mind and body through your sense of smell restoring and promoting balance when you need it most. Your sense of feeling is the other part of the senses influenced by aromatherapy as essential oils are also absorbed through your skin during massage or while bathing in water containing essential oils. So, for example, if more
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